Python indent block emacs
Python indent block emacs

python indent block emacs

The loveshack- python.el doesn’t actually define python-complete-symbol.

Python indent block emacs how to#

I tried switching from python-mode.el to python.el, but this doesn’t seem to solve it However, there is no advice here on how to use python.el, so I’m not entirely sure I’m doing it right… The above refers to python.el as packaged with Emacs 22 loveshack- python.el completion can’t generally work in the inferior buffer because it sends input to that buffer. :I’m a little confused - It appears when I set flymake-mode to be automatically on for python mode, py-help-at-point doesn’t™t work. Using python-complete-symbol in the inferior python buffer causes an infinite loop in python.el as of 080117, changing python-imports from the default nil to ‘None’ solves this. (ad-activate 'python-send-region) python-complete-symbol (ad-enable-advice 'python-send-region 'around 'advice-python-send-region-goto-end) ( let ((ret (buffer-substring pmark (point)))) ( when (> (point) (marker-position pmark)) ( let ((pmark (process-mark (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))))

python indent block emacs

Do C-c C-u, but without modifying the kill ring:

python indent block emacs

( with-current-buffer (process-buffer (python-proc)) ( let ((oldpoint ( with-current-buffer (process-buffer (python-proc)) (point))) "Fix a little bug if the point is not at the prompt when you do Here’s a quick hack that does that before calling the function, and puts it back the way it was afterwards: ( defadvice python-send-region (around advice-python-send-region-goto-end) It seems like point has to be at the very bottom, with a clear prompt, for python-send-region to work. ( lambda() (setq ac-sources '(ac-source-python)))) Troubleshooting C-c C-c / C-c C-r doesn't send / evaluate my code! (python-symbol-completions (python-partial-symbol))))))) (add-hook 'python-mode-hook (first (last (split-string completion " \\." t)))) You need to have installed and loaded auto-complete.el first: ( defvar ac-source-python The following will integrate python.el completions with auto-complete. Python-end-of-block instead of py-next-block? auto-complete In python.el you can get this with this in your InitFile: (add-hook 'python-mode-hook '( lambda () (define-key python-mode-map " \C-m" 'newline-and-indent))) Useful Functions See SmartTabs (toc5) or TabCompletion (tabkey2 stuff) Newline-and-indent guess indent? or do something! maybe a ‘fix syntax’ key? py-smart? – CH tab to guess or max indent, backspace to reduce? This appear to be a function already. Since indentation is significant in python, correct indent functions are vital, thought these might overload the tab key. Python.el includes a regexp for outliner-mode, and hs-mode too. It includes things like completion and folding, so that some things here may not be required. check that the computed value of ‘python-imports’ is sensible! -CH CEDETĬEDET is now part of emacs (but I still recommend getting the latest version). – CH It may have stopped working when my ‘imports’ were incomplete. shows up in the mini-buffer when you type a function name. ‘python-describe-symbol’ tries to get doc in the context of what the source file imports (be sure to first run the Python interpreter ).ĮlDoc, Does it work with python.el? python.el is supposed to have superior support for this, but I can’t get it to work it worked alright in python-mode.el though! – CH nevermind, it works now. “the main raison d’être for python.el was that we couldn’t get copyright papers for python-mode.el for inclusion in Emacs.This is now maintained at “feature requests and bug reports are welcome. 'loveshack' python.el, which this page refers to, was used in Emacs 24.1 and before.

python indent block emacs

See ProgrammingWithPythonDotElGallina for more information. There are two major variants of python.el

Python indent block emacs